Three new features are now available on the FreeTaskManager: tab-based task editing, a complete statistics page for projects and new statistics and reports sections for administrators.

The Edit Task Information page is now divided in tabs to make browsing easier. With more and more information now available for each task, using tabs to go from basic information to file attachments is simpler.

The project statistics page also displays more information, providing a more detailed summary of your project. You can even see the list of tasks assigned to a specific user or task status, for example.

In the administration section, you can now see statistics for all projects: get an overview of activity in your account, including file attachment sizes and total task numbers, so you can be up-to-date on how close to your limitations you are. Moreover, you can also produce a report on tasks assigned, created or reviewed by a specific user –regardless of project! Browse the list of all tasks assigned to a user in all projects, for example.