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About Daniel Raymond

Daniel Raymond, a project manager with over 20 years of experience, is the founder of a successful software company called Websystems. With a strong background in managing complex projects, he applied his expertise to develop and, innovative project management tools designed to streamline processes and improve productivity. Throughout his career, Daniel has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence and a passion for empowering teams to achieve their goals.

10 Ways Leaders Can Show Their Team Members They Are Valued

It is a widely acknowledged fact that employees don’t typically leave companies—they leave managers. When a team feels underappreciated or disconnected, engagement levels plummet, and the organization risks losing its most valuable talent. To prevent this, it is essential for managers to actively demonstrate that they value their team members. Below are 10 proven strategies for showing your team that you genuinely appreciate their contributions and care about their well-being.

★ If you want robust project tracking software to manage your team better, consider our tool AceProject. Our pricing is not based on the number of users, which can save you a lot of money.

1. Foster Genuine Curiosity

Developing a genuine curiosity about your team members is fundamental to building strong, trust-based relationships. Take the time to learn about their professional skills, past experiences, and personal interests. Show an authentic interest in their lives outside of […]

By |2024-09-05T16:29:49-04:002024-09-05|

Introducing Project Portfolios in AceProject

After months of hard work, we are proud to introduce a new way of working with your projects: Project Portfolios.

A portfolio of projects should contain similar projects, sharing the same structure of assigned users, task statuses, groups, types, and priorities. In a portfolio, assigned users have the same access rights for all projects, except if you overwrite them at the project level. When you create a project, you must choose the portfolio to which it belongs.

  • Example: Let’s say you have ten marketing projects; then you should group them into a Marketing Portfolio to ensure all marketing projects have the same structure. This will allow you to display all tasks from your marketing portfolio in one click. Soon, we plan to enable you to move a task from one project to another in the same portfolio in a single click and to activate the Board view for all projects from a portfolio.
  • Before the Portfolios: Previously, you had parent and child projects with dynamic and static templates. That concept has been deprecated and replaced with […]
By |2024-08-29T15:09:31-04:002024-08-29|

Top 10 Pros and Cons of Using Payroll Software

Managing payroll efficiently is crucial for any organization in today’s fast-paced business environment. Payroll software has emerged as a vital tool for businesses of all sizes, automating many complex tasks associated with payroll processing. The shift from manual payroll systems to automated software solutions offers many benefits but presents particular challenges. Understanding these pros and cons can help businesses decide whether payroll software suits their needs.

★ If you want robust project management software to manage your projects better, consider our tool AceProject. Our pricing is not based on the number of users, which can save you a lot of money.

Payroll software simplifies the payroll process, reducing the time and effort required to manage employee payments. However, like any technology, it has drawbacks that must be considered. While the advantages often outweigh the disadvantages, each business must weigh these factors based on its unique requirements and resources. […]

By |2024-08-14T07:49:08-04:002024-06-20|

Dealing With Time Constraints In Project Management

Time constraint is a limiting factor that affects the project schedule. This means insufficient time to complete all the tasks within the given timeframe. This can arise due to various reasons, such as changes in scope, unrealistic deadlines, and unavailability of resources. People working under tight deadlines are likelier to communicate to complete the task. This can lead to a better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses and help build trust.

One of the most critical aspects of project management is time management. Time constraints are a reality of any project, and it is essential to understand how to best deal with them. Time constraint determines how long a project will take to complete. This includes the time needed for planning, executing, and closing the project. Other factors, such as cost and quality, can also affect the timeline of a project. For example, it will take longer if the project requires more resources than initially planned.

By |2024-06-11T14:23:08-04:002024-06-11|

How Ad Blockers Enhance PM Workflows

You know that feeling when you’re trying to focus on a project, and your screen suddenly floods with ads? Annoying, right? Well, you’re not alone. Every second counts in today’s fast-paced world and distractions can wrench your productivity gears. 

Enter ad blockers, the unsung heroes of efficient project management workflows. Let’s dive into how these nifty tools can transform your work life, one blocked ad at a time.

Understanding Ad Blockers

Ad blockers play a pivotal role in streamlining online interactions by removing unwanted content.

Definition and Purpose

You’ve likely encountered pop-ups, banner ads, and video commercials while browsing the web. Ad blockers are tools designed to eliminate these distractions, giving you a cleaner and more focused online experience. 

Their main purpose is to prevent advertisements from loading on web pages, which can not only declutter your view but […]

By |2024-06-11T13:50:00-04:002024-05-31|

Sommaire de saisie du temps dans la nouvelle interface

Récemment, nous avons mis en place une nouvelle notification par courriel pour notifier les utilisateurs qui n’ont pas correctement rempli leurs feuilles de temps. Les retours ont été excellents, et suite à cette fonctionnalité, nous avons décidé de lancer un tableau de bord qui affiche les feuilles de temps correctement ou incorrectement remplies pour les utilisateurs que vous gérez. Ce tableau de bord est en fait un sommaire de la saisie du temps et vous permet de vérifier si l’entrée des heures a été correctement effectuée.

Comment accéder au tableau de bord de saisie du temps ?

Pour ouvrir le table de bord, simplement cliquer sur l’item de menu ci-dessous:

Voici un résumé de ce qu’offre le tableau de bord :

  • Vous voyez tous les utilisateurs pour lesquels vous êtes autorisé à approuver le temps.
  • Pour chaque utilisateur, vous voyez les heures En cours, Soumises, Rejetées et Approuvées, ainsi que le Total et les Heures Manquantes.
  • Les Heures Manquantes = (Heures Totales – Heures Typiques de la Semaine)
    • La valeur des Heures […]
By |2024-05-22T14:27:28-04:002024-05-22|

Time Entry Summary Panel in the New Interface

Version française: Sommaire de saisie du temps dans la nouvelle interface

Recently, we released a new email notification to users who have not filled out their timesheets correctly. The feedback has been great, and following this feature, we decided to release a panel that displays timesheets that are filled out correctly or not for the users you manage. This panel allows you to follow up on users’ timesheets and whether the time entry was correctly done.

How to access the summary panel?

To open the Time Entry Summary Panel, simply click the menu item below:

Here is a summary of the panel:

  • The Typical Week Hours value can […]
  • The Missing Hours = (Total Hours – Typical Week Hours)
    • The Typical Week Hours value can […]
    • The Missing Hours = (Total Hours – Typical Week Hours)
      • The Typical Week Hours value can […]
        • You see all the users you’re allowed to do time approval for.
        • For each user, you see the In Progress, Submitted, Rejected, and Approved hours, along with the Total and Missing Hours.
        • The Missing Hours = (Total Hours – Typical Week Hours)
          • The Typical Week Hours value can […]
By |2024-05-22T14:29:03-04:002024-05-22|

Real-Time Monitoring and Safety in Project Management

Do you ever wish you had superpowers to manage projects effortlessly? Unfortunately, handling everything alone is daunting and often unachievable. Real-time monitoring can be a powerful ally in project management. It acts as a vigilant observer, continuously tracking your projects and providing up-to-date insights on progress.

With an efficient dashboard, you can swiftly make informed decisions, track progress, and identify potential issues before they escalate. This level of control can dramatically improve your ability to deliver projects on time, within budget, and to everyone’s satisfaction. Moreover, in terms of safety, real-time monitoring is invaluable. It allows you to address safety concerns as they arise, potentially preventing severe incidents and ensuring a smooth operational flow.

The Heartbeat of Project Management

Real-time monitoring is the secret sauce of project management. It keeps you on your toes, ready to seize opportunities or dodge bullets, with instant insights into your project’s health and […]

By |2024-05-29T15:22:07-04:002024-05-10|

The 9 Most Important Skills for Business Development

About 25% of businesses fail in their first year, often due to insufficient business development strategies. Therefore, one must hone a few key skills before starting a business. What are the skills required for business development?

To become a pro in business development, you must improve several skills, including the following:

  1. Communication skills
  2. Research and analysis
  3. Negotiation and persuasion skills
  4. Business Intelligence
  5. Learning and adaptation
  6. ROI & Data Analysis
  7. Project management
  8. Leadership
  9. Time management

Let’s explore why these skills are required and how you can improve them. It will help you develop your businesses. 

9 Important Business Development Skills 

While business development requires you to master many skills, the following ones are the ones […]

By |2024-05-29T15:22:17-04:002024-05-09|

10 Reasons why a PMP certification is still important

Project Management Professional (PMP) certification remains one of the most prestigious and widely recognized credentials in project management. Despite the emergence of new methodologies and technologies, the importance of PMP certification continues to hold firm. Here are ten reasons why obtaining a PMP certification is still a valuable investment for professionals looking to enhance their careers in project management.

1. Global Recognition

The PMP certification is recognized and respected worldwide. It represents a standard of competence that employers worldwide acknowledge and seek in potential employees. A PMP certification can significantly increase your job opportunities, as it is universally accepted proof of your project management skills and knowledge.

Example: Maria, a project manager from Spain, successfully applied for a project management position in a large tech firm in Canada. Her PMP certification was crucial in demonstrating her credentials during the application process, as the Canadian company readily recognized it despite her […]

By |2024-04-25T11:12:27-04:002024-04-25|
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