It is no longer necessary to manually enter your tasks’ actual dates. AceProject will do it for you, from now on. In fact, a new field has been added under “Default Values”, at the project level, to allow manual editing or automatic entry of actual task dates.

If the “Automatic” option is selected, AceProject behaves as follows, when changing the task’s status:

  • “Waiting” Status: No date is entered.
  • “In Progress” status: If no date is entered, today’s date will be entered as the “Actual Start Date”.
  • “Completed” Status: Today’s date will be entered as the “Actual End Date”, regardless of whether or not a date is entered already.

When the “Manual” option is selected, there is no automatic actual date entry. As a result, you need to enter them manually. The “Automatic” option has been set as default for all existing projects.

One more change: Users with a “Limited” Edit Task Level can now edit the “Actual Start Date” and “Actual End Date” of a task.