I’m sitting in the train, coming back home
to Quebec from Montreal. Via Rail, the train company, offers WiFi connectivity
for 8.95$ per day. That seems a little expensive to me, so I decided that me
and my laptop would go alone. Offline.

That’s when I realized how much time I
spent online, for my personal and my work life. AceProject is an online project
management system. Everything we do at Websystems is somehow connected to the
Internet: the CRM, the system, our VOIP phones, the email server. If we were to
lose our Internet connection at the office, most of us would be sitting idly
until it comes back.

So here I am, sitting in a train, without
Internet access on my laptop. And my laptop feels useless. If I can’t read my
RSS feeds, check website performance statistics, stay up-to-date on customer
requests, manage my projects or even keep up with the daily email, what’s left
to do for a project manager/sales & marketing person?

I’m still looking.