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Project archives: get out of the Project Manager’s head

Project management is a big world. With the PMI’s PMBOK running at 400 pages or so, it can be challenging to keep up with methodologies. Even more challenging is keeping up the practice of closing projects well. It’s easy to sign-off on the work and to do the administrative closure stuff, but building good, usable project achives is harder. It takes time, and the value of this time is not seen in the short term.

I recently attended a conference from Laurent Bellavance, the director of Rimouski‘s economic promotion society. His role is to facilitate the projects: he puts together the local governments, specialists and investors to create innovation and prosperity in his city.  Bellavance has been in his post for about a year. One of his challenges is to get information on past projects. While the other directors who preceded him at the head of his organization can still be reached if needed, they are focussed on other goals and do not always remember the specifics of projects that […]

By |2009-05-13T12:49:00-04:002009-05-13|

Let us go

Scott at WebWorkerDaily has a very good point: “Please let my account die gracefully, peacefully and with dignity.”

I think a lot of us share Scott’s problem: We try a new web service or product, we setup a free account, and quickly forget about it…only we can’t. Because we keep receiving emails from these services. Even though we haven’t logged into those accounts for months, and have never clicked on any link in the email or responded in any way to the call to action, we still receive about an email a week from these services.

I classify them as spam, and forget about them. The problem I have with these is that they pollute my email inbox, and they waste my time.

AceProject has a free account anyone can create. It is limited to 5 users, 5 projects, 50 tasks and 25MB of file storage. It gives prospective clients a chance to take AceProject on a test run. If they like AceProject, they can upgrade their free account.  If they don’t […]

By |2008-09-24T12:43:00-04:002008-09-24|
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