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More AceProject 4.7 news

Development is going well for AceProject 4.7. We are finishing phase 2 of development.

Eye candy

Here is some eye candy for mac users: a brand new skin!

Project templates

People love AceProject’s templates because it makes creating new project very easy. You simply copy an existing project, and you can even adjust task dates based on the new project start date.

With AceProject 4.7, we’ve added the possibility to reset task statuses, so you don’t need to create pure templates if you don’t want to:

Better time sheets

Time sheets are one of the most-used features in AceProject. With version 4.7, AceProject will automatically create time sheets at the beginning of each week.

To make it easier to fill out the time sheets, it will be possible to enter time worked in the hours:minutes format. AceProject will convert the hh:mm entry into a decimal number automatically. That will make time sheet more usable.

By |2009-05-01T12:41:00-04:002009-05-01|

AceProject Survey, what features you like best and least

The results from the survey are in. It was our first-ever survey here at Websystems. Here’s a summary:

Which feature do you use most?

  1. Task management
  2. Time Sheets
  3. Project management
  4. Gantt charts
  5. Task comments

Which feature do you like the most?

  1. Email notifications
  2. Task Management
  3. Time sheets
  4. Tracking task and project status
  5. Reports

Which feature do you like the least?

  1. Time sheets
  2. Email notifications
  3. Reports
  4. Task creation workflow (tabs)
  5. Search

What’s interesting is that then time sheet module, email notifications and task management are present in all three answers. It seems time sheets and email notifications are either loved or hated. Among the comments we received, being able to edit the time sheet for the whole week (like a grid) and being able to customize how email notifications work were the most frequent.

However, people told us they loved to receive those email notifications. We were also told that time sheets are very easy to use.

Overall, what you told us is that you think our reports and our task creation workflow should be a lot better.

We hear you. Your comments were very insightful and we will make sure to keep the good stuff and […]

By |2009-01-13T12:30:00-05:002009-01-13|

Time Sheet finally available!

Management becomes easier with our Time Sheet module : users enter their hours and request approval, while project managers effortlessly approve time sheets. Easy automatic email notification makes communication easier.

By |2002-02-10T13:08:56-05:002002-02-10|
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