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Introducing Project Portfolios in AceProject

After months of hard work, we are proud to introduce a new way of working with your projects: Project Portfolios.

A portfolio of projects should contain similar projects, sharing the same structure of assigned users, task statuses, groups, types, and priorities. In a portfolio, assigned users have the same access rights for all projects, except if you overwrite them at the project level. When you create a project, you must choose the portfolio to which it belongs.

  • Example: Let’s say you have ten marketing projects; then you should group them into a Marketing Portfolio to ensure all marketing projects have the same structure. This will allow you to display all tasks from your marketing portfolio in one click. Soon, we plan to enable you to move a task from one project to another in the same portfolio in a single click and to activate the Board view for all projects from a portfolio.
  • Before the Portfolios: Previously, you had parent and child projects with dynamic and static templates. That concept has been deprecated and replaced with […]
By |2024-08-29T15:09:31-04:002024-08-29|

Sommaire de saisie du temps dans la nouvelle interface

Récemment, nous avons mis en place une nouvelle notification par courriel pour notifier les utilisateurs qui n’ont pas correctement rempli leurs feuilles de temps. Les retours ont été excellents, et suite à cette fonctionnalité, nous avons décidé de lancer un tableau de bord qui affiche les feuilles de temps correctement ou incorrectement remplies pour les utilisateurs que vous gérez. Ce tableau de bord est en fait un sommaire de la saisie du temps et vous permet de vérifier si l’entrée des heures a été correctement effectuée.

Comment accéder au tableau de bord de saisie du temps ?

Pour ouvrir le table de bord, simplement cliquer sur l’item de menu ci-dessous:

Voici un résumé de ce qu’offre le tableau de bord :

  • Vous voyez tous les utilisateurs pour lesquels vous êtes autorisé à approuver le temps.
  • Pour chaque utilisateur, vous voyez les heures En cours, Soumises, Rejetées et Approuvées, ainsi que le Total et les Heures Manquantes.
  • Les Heures Manquantes = (Heures Totales – Heures Typiques de la Semaine)
    • La valeur des Heures […]
By |2024-05-22T14:27:28-04:002024-05-22|

Time Entry Summary Panel in the New Interface

Version française: Sommaire de saisie du temps dans la nouvelle interface

Recently, we released a new email notification to users who have not filled out their timesheets correctly. The feedback has been great, and following this feature, we decided to release a panel that displays timesheets that are filled out correctly or not for the users you manage. This panel allows you to follow up on users’ timesheets and whether the time entry was correctly done.

How to access the summary panel?

To open the Time Entry Summary Panel, simply click the menu item below:

Here is a summary of the panel:

  • The Typical Week Hours value can […]
  • The Missing Hours = (Total Hours – Typical Week Hours)
    • The Typical Week Hours value can […]
    • The Missing Hours = (Total Hours – Typical Week Hours)
      • The Typical Week Hours value can […]
        • You see all the users you’re allowed to do time approval for.
        • For each user, you see the In Progress, Submitted, Rejected, and Approved hours, along with the Total and Missing Hours.
        • The Missing Hours = (Total Hours – Typical Week Hours)
          • The Typical Week Hours value can […]
By |2024-05-22T14:29:03-04:002024-05-22|

Timesheet Improvements in the New Interface

We are proud to launch new improvements to our timesheet module. Over the past few years, we have received much feedback on improving our time management processes.

Here is a summary of them:

  • When you submit your time to someone, we now record the user you selected. For reporting purposes, the “Submitted To” column can be chosen on your My Time and Time Approval panels.
  • The “User Group” filter has been added to the Time Approval panel.
  • You can now force the choice of an approver when the time is submitted. This particular option is set at the account level.
  • Each user can select a default approver to ease the selection when submitting their time.
  • An email notification can be sent to users who did not complete their timesheet properly: not fully submitted or not fully entered the minimum number of hours.

New “Submitted To” Column

When you submit your time to someone, […]

By |2024-05-22T14:08:21-04:002024-04-18|

Remove Link Deprecated for Child Projects

You can no longer remove the link between a parent and a child project from the classic interface.

There was incomprehension about the purpose/goal of working with project templates, parents, and child projects. Most people clicked the Remove Link button without knowing they would lose synchronization across their parent/child projects with groups, types, priorities, and statuses.

We want to encourage users to group projects because projects of the same nature should share the same structure (assigned users, groups, types, priorities, statuses).

A new way of working on your parent and child projects will be released soon in the new interface: Project Portfolios.


  • You create a parent project (template) with assigned users, task groups, types, priorities, and statuses.
    • Then, you can create a child project based on a parent project (template).
  • You can remove the relationship between a parent and child project to independently manage your task groups, types, priorities, and statuses.

After (Coming Soon)

  • Similar projects will be under a mandatory Portfolio of Projects.
  • Each project previously linked to the same “parent” will become a portfolio member.
  • The […]
By |2024-08-29T13:34:08-04:002023-10-17|
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