How can I add a document to a project?

The process to add a Project Document is the following: Select Project Tab => Documents  > Project Documents. Click on the folder you wish to add your document to. In the “Path” field, browse to select the document you wish to upload. Provide a “Version” number and a “Description” for the document, if need be. If you wish […]

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How can I restore a deleted document?

Deleted documents cannot be restored per se. However, for a 30 day period, they are listed and can be downloaded from the Administration => Tools >  Deleted Documents page and then re-attached to the project or task.

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How can I add a document to a task?

In order to add a Task Document, the process is the following: When viewing a task list, click on the Summary link to reach the task Edit screen. In the task Edit screen, click on the “Documents” tab located near the top of the screen. If you are using a recent version of Firefox, Safari […]

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What’s the difference between locked and unlocked documents?

Locking a document is a safety mechanism to prevent documents from being deleted inadvertently. When an online document is locked, it can neither be deleted or overwritten by another file with the same name, extension and version number. On the other hand, when an online document is unlocked, it will be overwritten if a user uploads […]

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How can I rename a project document folder?

The process to rename a project document folder is the following: Select the folder by clicking on it in the document tree. Type the new name for the folder in the text field located above the “Create” and “Rename” links in the right pane. Click on “Rename”.

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What are Supporting Documents?

Supporting documents are issued as proof that an expense has been incurred. The supporting document required may vary depending upon the nature of the expense. Typical supporting documents are: copies of vendor invoices copies of vendor receipts local expense vouchers

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What are the access rights with regards to Project Documents?

Here are the access rights relative to Project Documents: The only users who can unlock a locked document are Administrators and the Project Manager. Even the user who uploaded the document cannot unlock a project document locked by another user. Any user who can access the project documents area in a project can download from […]

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How can I delete a project document?

If a project document is unlocked, any user who can access that project document can delete it. The process is the following: Select the document by checking the checkbox in the folder’s document list. Click on the “Delete checked documents” button in the right pane. Only account Administrators and the user who uploaded the project […]

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