Project level rights may be specified on a per project basis for Normal users. Project level rights granted to Administrators are irrelevant (Administrators automatically have full permissions throughout the account).

Project level rights that may be granted to normal users are the following:

  • Project Manager: Gives full control over the project. The only operation the user cannot perform on the project is deleting it.
  • Time Approval: Provides time reporting and approval rights on the project. Additionally, if the user is Project Manager or Administrator, he/she will also be able to edit other users’ time items.
  • Expense Approval:  Provides expense reporting and approval rights on the project. Additionally, if the user is Project Manager or Administrator, he/she will also be able to edit other users’ expenses.
  • Edit Task Level: The Edit Task Level along with the relationship of the user to the task (creator, assigned, neither) determine the specific actions a user can/can’t perform on tasks in the project. For more information regarding Edit Task Levels, please refer to this knowledge base topic.
  • Can Open Project: Determines whether the user will be able to access all tasks in the project as well as the left menu associated with the Project tab. When the “Can open project” project level right is not granted, the user can only access assigned and created tasks in the project through the Home tab.

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