When the Hours field is disabled, you are allocating hours of work on the task in “Custom Hours” mode.

Just above the task assignment grid, you will notice 2 radio buttons. One is labeled “Divide Hours” and the other, “Custom Hours”. The Divide Hours and Custom Hours options refer to the way estimated hours are allocated to users on the task. Here’s how AceProject works in both modes:

  • When “Divide Hours” mode is selected, the Hours field in the Estimates section of the task Edit screen may be edited and, if it is, AceProject will evenly divide those hours by the number of Assigned Users on the task in the assignment grid.
  • When “Custom Hours” mode is selected, the Hours field in the Estimates is disabled. You must then allocate hours to your users directly in the assignment grid and the Hours field will automatically show the total of hours assigned in the assignment grid. This mode is used when you want to assign multiple users to the same task, each with a different number of hours.

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