The new Beta interface has now been accessible for a few months now. We hope that you have been using it. Many comments have come in and you can be sure that we will be placing more features in it over the course of this year, like the File Download Manager that was just released!
A heavily requested feature for AceProject users, we are excited to provide access to the File Download Manager. This allows the punctual or bulk download for files (documents) associated with tasks (documents, images, other) within a task, a search set of tasks, a project, or across multiple projects. It has been optimized to track the transfer status and provides an index and log, in structured zip files. Whether just with a few files or a full backup of 10s of GBs of files, this feature is robust and gets the job done!

File Download Manager usage
1) Active Search results
Be sure to create a Search or use the Quick links to access and display your Active search results in the Grid. You can then filter the returned tasks as desired to include the tasks with files (documents) that you are interested in downloading. (Option – Use the column Show/Hide to make visible the Documents field to view.) Access the Download Manager by selecting Export>Documents from under the Export button.
2) Access the Download Manager

3) Set zip folder settings
A number of settings are available from under the Options tab:

Zip folder hierarchy: Allows the creations of folders within the Zip file to structure by Task, Project, or Project and Task, or leave the files flat (None)
Generate new zip every (MB): You can choose the size of your zip files. After that size is reached, another zip file is created (Maximum file size 500MB)
Ignore files larger than (MB): Files larger than the amount are automatically placed in the Failed Transfers area. From there, you can download the “large” files manually. (A 1 GB file cannot fit into a 500MB zip file)
Enable zip compression: Compression of the zip file is possible.
4) Start
5) Queued/Successful transfer/Failed transfers
The status of the transfer is available and can be consulted. For failed transfers, a message indicated the reason is provided. Further action can then be taken.
Other options and usage
Add columns
Additional columns are available to display (all fields available in the downloadable log file)

Punctual download from grid/edit panel
The Download Manager can be accessed/used even from the Grid within the Attachments field (on a per task basis)

Download index list
A quick download to XLS file of the list of files that are in the Queue is available on the bottom left of the Manager.
Download log file
After completion of the download, from the Summary popup you can choose to download the transfer Log file.
It contains full documentation of the download and indexes the zip file and other information in an XLS file.

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